Tuesday, February 12, 2008

i know its been days....

here are updates on each of the boys. i know its been a few days, so enjoy!

bubba love love loves to color with crayons! today we never watched backyardigans, we never had to watch 'thomas the tank engine'....all he did was color. he woke up and wanted his crayons. he ate breakfast then wanted his crayons. we ran errands and first thing when we came home...he wanted his crayons. after dinner, well you get the idea. but for your viewing pleasure here is a piece from his collection :here are a few pictures of pooks yesterday...he was attempting to eat a mini oreo. he's a cutie!

pooks trying to steal his brother's oreo..."ma, these don't taste as good as they look"

"ohhh, i can almost get it...."

aww, and his little sniffly-fussy face after he ate one and wanted more...but mom said no. :(


  1. Will be there a showing of Bubba's art work sometime soon? Maybe him and Rayford can have a showing together. I would like to purchase an advance ticket.


  2. I echo what Michelle said, I also would like to purchase a ticket!I love the one of pooks giving the puckered lip look. Just gorgeous...


  3. Your home will be filled with artwork; I don't know if the Mr is an artist but I know the Mrs. is!
