Monday, February 22, 2010

49 degrees

was the temperature last thursday afternoon. not only was it 49 degrees but there was no wind. now if your neck of the woods is anything like our neck of the woods, this is practically a heatwave! i was so excited to let the boys play outside that i could barely wait for their naptime to end. now while it was nice out, i still made them wear their winter hats, simply to keep their ears warm. they were out there for over an hour and thursday night, they went down for bed without even a peep. i ♥ being able to let them run off all that excess energy. this makes me SO excited for spring and summer!
 bubba (looking way to old for my liking)
all 3 (and yes, i realize peanut is trying to eat chalk)
  pooks, not wanting his pic taken
peanut enjoying his racecar
see, he knows how to use the chalk the right way!

1 comment:

  1. Wishing it was still 49 degrees!
    This is crazy weather!

